The Call Settings page is where you can configure global settings for your calls. Find settings for call recording, transcription, announcement messages, caller ID options, and more.
The Tracking Code is a script that determines the advertising channel that led a visitor to your website and shows the tracking number that corresponds to that channel.
The Text log is where you can find a list of all text activity your account has received. You can respond to inbound texts and create new outbound texts from this page and more.
The Form Log is where you can find a list of all of the Form entries that your account has received. You can find the form fill data, along with contact information, session data and more.
The Chat Log is where you can find a list of any chat activity your account has received. From this page you can view the transcriptions of your chats, update contact information and more.
The Fax Log is where you can find a list of any faxes your account has sent or received. From this page you can view the faxes, update contact information and more.
The Agency Log allows you to view activities across every sub-account under your agency. This is a powerful tool for agency administrators trying to see the full scope of their agencies activities.